Sumie Kaneko

Japanese Koto | Shamisen | Vocal Artist

Sumie (sumi-é) Kaneko is New York based Japanese artist. A master in the traditional repertoire of these ancient instruments, she has also pioneered their use in jazz and experimental music, through solo and group performances worldwide. She is renowned for her ability to collaborate with a diverse array of visionary international artists: Pulitzer Winner Paula Vogel, Yo-Yo Ma and The Silk Road Project, composer Evan Ziporyn, taiko artist Kenny Endo and Kaoru Watanabe, and tabla player Tanmoy Bose. In 2021, she performed shamisen solo for American Ballet Theatre’s season opening with the principal dancers, Isabella Boylston and James Whiteside.

Her career started in 1995 as a winner of the Takasaki International Competition in Koto performance. In 2002 after graduating from Tokyo National University of the Arts, Sumie moved to Boston and studied Jazz vocal at Berklee College of Music. She has performed at such prestigious venues as Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center, Blue Note NY, TED talk, Google, Getty Center, Boston Ballet, and the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. As an educator, she has lectured at large academic scenes: Harvard University, Columbia University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Princeton University, Wellesley College, and in 2021 May, she will lecture at Aoyama Gakuin University in Tokyo as a renowned international artist.

Sumie also tours overseas as a cultural ambassador. She has been performed in over 20 countries and has been worked closely with Embassy of Japan. In South Asia, she has visited many of non-profit organizations for street children to encourage future education. In 2018, she expanded her career in Europe, and in 2021 she is scheduled to perform in Hungary, Romania, and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Her passion is always towards original. and new compositions, as Sumie has released two albums. Second album Dead of the Night (available on iTunes) has been well received as her unique and exquisite sounds. Currently Sumie is composing suite for traditional instruments, to collaborate various styles of artists.


山田流箏曲・三味線奏者 ボーカリスト


2000年、東京芸術大学音楽学部邦楽科 箏曲山田流専攻卒業。




使用楽器は13絃箏、地唄・長唄三味線、山田流箏唄、ジャズボーカル。作曲作詞も行う。これまでに二枚のオリジナルアルバムを発表しており、特に2枚目の「Dead of the Night」の発表は世界最高峰のジャズクラブ、ブルーノートNY本店にて行い、両セット満席にするという快挙をなしとげた。

異ジャンルとのコラボレーションは高い評価を得ており、即興演奏も得意とする幅広いスタイルで、これまでに太鼓奏者のケニー遠藤、ジャズピアニストのニック・バーチ、タブラのタンモイ・ボースはじめ画家、舞踏家、書家など様々な一流アーティストと共演している。2021年にはアメリカンバレエシアターのシーズンオープン公演として、同バレエ団のプリンシパルダンサー、イザベラボイルストンとジェイムスホワイトサイドのパ・ド・ドゥに三味線独奏で共演。また、ピューリツアー賞受賞者 Paula Vogel 作「The Long Christmas Ride Home」(2003年初演)に楽曲提供・演奏した際には、ニューヨークタイムズ紙より“ austere elegance(雅な趣がある)”と評される。 これまでにカーネギーホール、リンカーンセンター、ブルーノートNY、バードランドなど歴史的コンサートホールでの演奏の他、グーグル社、ボストン美術館、ボストンバレエ、全米学術講演会TED各種公演の他、ハーバード大学、コロンビア大学、プリンストン大学、マサチューセッツ工科大学ともプロジェクトを持ち、学術的にも講演を行う。2021年5月には青山学院大学国際政治学科において講演。
